Step-by-Step Guide on Fetching All Users from Okta Database using Cursor-Based Pagination with Node.js and Okta API


"To fetch all users from your Okta database using pagination (cursor-based), you can utilize the Okta API and Node.js. The Okta API supports cursor-based pagination to efficiently retrieve large sets of data.

First, ensure you have the Okta API token and the Okta tenant URL.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Install the required packages:

    • axios for making HTTP requests.
    • dotenv for loading environment variables from a .env file.

    You can install these packages using npm:

    npm install axios dotenv
  2. Setup your project:

    • Create a .env file to store your Okta API token and domain securely.

    • Create a fetchUsers.js file where you will write your Node.js code.

  3. Write the Node.js code:

    const axios = require('axios');
    const OKTA_API_TOKEN = process.env.OKTA_API_TOKEN;
    const OKTA_DOMAIN = process.env.OKTA_DOMAIN;
    const OKTA_API_URL = `https://${OKTA_DOMAIN}/api/v1/users`;
    const fetchUsers = async () => {
      try {
        let url = OKTA_API_URL;
        let users = [];
        let hasNextPage = true;
        while (hasNextPage) {
          const response = await axios.get(url, {
            headers: {
              Authorization: `SSWS ${OKTA_API_TOKEN}`,
              Accept: 'application/json',
          // Append the retrieved users to the users array
          users = users.concat(;
          // Check if there's a next page
          const linkHeader = response.headers['link'];
          if (linkHeader) {
            const links = linkHeader.split(',').map((link) => link.split(';'));
            const nextLink = links.find((link) => link[1].includes('rel="next"'));
            if (nextLink) {
              const nextUrl = nextLink[0].trim().replace(/<|>/g, '');
              url = nextUrl;
            } else {
              hasNextPage = false;
          } else {
            hasNextPage = false;
        return users;
      } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error fetching users:', error);
        throw error;
      .then((users) => {
        console.log(`Fetched ${users.length} users`);
        // Handle the retrieved users as needed
        // Example: console.log(users);
      .catch((error) => {
        console.error('Failed to fetch users:', error);


  • axios is used for making the API requests.
  • The fetchUsers function performs the following:
    • It initializes the URL and an empty users array.
    • Uses a while loop to fetch pages of users until there are no more pages (hasNextPage is false).
    • Parses and follows the Link header to retrieve the URL for the next page, if it exists.
    • Collects all the users and returns them.
  1. Run the script:
    • Ensure your .env file is correctly set up.
    • Execute the script using node fetchUsers.js.

This setup will fetch all users from Okta, handling pagination automatically. Adjust the retrieved data processing as needed based on your requirements."

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